Software Wallet

A type of hot wallet, software cryptocurrency wallets exist solely as software files on a computer or mobile device. In most cases, software wallets are more accessible and convenient for users to send, receive, and store cryptocurrency compared to hardware wallets. Depending on the provider, some can even be classified as a multi-coin wallet, which supports multiple types of cryptocurrencies.

Types of software wallets include web-based (online) wallets, desktop wallets, and mobile wallets.

Web-based wallets, or online cryptocurrency wallets, generally exist as browser extensions and typically have user-friendly interfaces for efficient transactions and interaction with decentralised applications (


) or decentralised finance (


) protocols.

Web-based wallets, or online cryptocurrency wallets, generally exist as browser extensions. They typically have user-friendly interfaces for efficient transactions and interaction with decentralised applications (dapps) or decentralised finance (DeFi) protocols.

Desktop wallets are downloadable computer programmes in which private keys are kept only on the owner’s computer and cannot be accessed online, as they are not connected to the internet. This type of wallet is often more secure than web-based wallets because the user is the only one with access to the programme and the stored private keys.

Smartphone-only cryptocurrency wallets, also known as mobile wallets, are similar to web-based wallets. They offer greater convenience in terms of sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, especially with the help of QR codes. However, mobile wallets come with the risk of malware infection or being hacked through malicious applications.

Key Takeaway

A software wallet is a computer programme or mobile application that allows users to store cryptocurrency keys and make transactions.

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